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Friday, August 13, 2010

Yet Another "Great" AS-M Arc: The Grim Hunt

Ok, i know...after all this time of not posting anything (seriously, like you really follow this blog ;-)...."Another Spidey arc" you say? Well, I must confess I'm really partial to Spider-Man (especially the Amazing Spider-Man titles ever since Brand New Day...whaaaat?!?) It's one of the few comicbook supes/series I "hunt down" (pun intended) when I get the chance to catch up on my readings. You'd probably get a pretty good idea of what the others are in my pull list as you browse through my blog (er, you are still reading this?) Anyways, there were a lot of good and great AS-M arcs in recent memory that I could have "featured" like New Ways to Die, American Son, Shed to name a few and of course The Gauntlet series which actually concludes in Grim Hunt but I felt GH in itself had the best elements of showcasing different characters in Spidey's life, both his "web of life family" and his nemesises (did i get this right?) that I didn't really know about. It also gave us "relatively" new readers (and for those long-time readers...a reminder) to Spidey's "mystical" connections (which I believe was started by Peter David & JM Straczynski in The Other crossovers and One More Day respectively, which incidentally will be explained in the upcoming AS-M arc). Finally, Grim Hunt is a sort of re-boot (without going much into details) for Spidey's circle of friends/family but also for his formidable adversaries and cohorts. A definite Must-Read!


Amazing Spider-Man 634-637: The Grim Hunt Arc

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