First off....HAPPY NEW YEAR! to everyone...or anyone who still took time to wander into this blog (ok, maybe you just got lost...again!??). Thanks for keeping the faith (yeah right)...that yours truly (that would be moi), would find his or her way back to putting up something worthwhile in this so-called blog. Just to kick things off for 2011, I could not think of any comics that is more eagerly anticipated (to fans at least) way back in 2010, than Mark Millar and McNiven's NEMESIS
after much delays(?) considering its only 4 issues (really kinda short, but big suspense!) Although, to be honest, I kinda like Millar and Romita's ICON series KICK-ASS
much better (if only coz it was longer and more "fleshed out") Anyways, what better way to start off the New Year than finally putting a rest to this much followed series (it'll probably be a movie by the end of the year):
NEMESIS parts 2 to 4