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Monday, January 19, 2009

Ultimate X-Men by BKV and KirkX-Men

Since UXM is one of the those Ultimate titles that will be ending soon (if I'm not mistaken by issue 100), along with UF4 (which ends at issue 60?), I thought I'd post one of the most excellent and eclectic of all the Ultimate titles. I say "excellent" of course coz like all Ultimate titles, UXM not only gives a fresh twist and perspective on all the X-Men characters we've all come to know and love (well, most of them anyway) but also the the storytelling in each one is fast paced, full of new insights as well as frenetic with cliff-hangers. And I say eclectic, coz well, of all the Ultimate titles, X-Men I must say have the best collection of runs created by my top 4 favorite writers in the comics world in succession! From Millar (the Ultimates) to Bendis (Ultimate Spider-Man) to Vaughan (featured here) to Kirkman (soon to be added). So I thought, for those who haven't read them yet, here's 4 completed sets of arcs by BKV to get you started with.

UltimateX-Men by Brian K Vaughan

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The above archive includes issues 46-49 The Tempest, issues 50-53 Cry Wolf, issues 54-57 The Most Dangerous Game, and the disturbing ending of Magnetic North in issues 61-65.